Freedom to Freelance

Freeda provides a safe space for female freelancers to grow professionally and personally by assisting them in building confidence, business acumen, and sustainable freelance brands!


Project Synopsis

FREEDA is a simple solution to aid in closing the gender biased pay gap that exists even in freelance. We wanted to give female freelancers the opportunity to freelance on their own terms! 


Over the course of four weeks, I worked with Danielle Scott-Patxot to conceptualize and build strategy for a dashboard that would allow freelancers to manager their projects.


41% of all freelancers are women and research revealed that even female freelancers are suffering a gender-based wage gap.

Female freelancers aren’t charging enough and are more likely to have their invoices paid late.

There is no formal training on how to freelance it comes with a lot of trial and error.

What if there was an app that allowed you to manage your projects as well as provide an opportunity for community and networking that addresses the needs of the female freelancer?
Meet Freeda.

With trends emerging in the freelance industry and a rise in female-led societal movements, we were determined to design an app just for the female freelancer, so we created a Freeda, Freeda allows female freelance to manage projects and invoices, take courses to boost confidence and business acumen; as well as, general knowledge and skills. Freeda also offers a community for networking.

Key Features

The Onboarding process

We wanted to make sure that our users felt empowered every step of the way, so we added language and graphics that encourage and congratulate them as they sign up for their account on Freeda.


The Dashboard

In the dashboard that allows users can track and monitor projects individually, and they can track their pre-set goals and compare them against their actual progress.



Freeda allows app users to seek advice from professionals. The bot will figure out what the need is and match the app user with a professional that can answer their question.



The application allows the user to continue their learning through pre-recorded learning sessions and webinars.

How did we arrive at this solution?

We Found an Unmet Need

We began opportunity mapping in order to expose any opportunities we could capitalize on in the market.  After taking a dive into market, audience, business analysis and where technology could come into play we found had an Aha! moment.

What if there was an app that allowed you to manage your projects as well as provide an opportunity for community and networking that addresses the needs of the female freelancer?

We Talked to People

We focused most of our efforts on primary research by getting out and talking to people! We wanted to know what the female freelancer experience was. We also did a little bit of social listening to see how they spoke about it online. We used this information to drive our user personas and journeys in order to identify key pain points to address. 

Here is where we were able to prove our hypothesis about things like the gender pay gap existence in the freelance world.
journey maps

We began designing

Our first step was to do a crazy 8s activity in order to figure out our MVP. Then we began sketching and wire framing our main screens. 

We then put out the first version of Freeda to test and iterate. 

We landed on our final iteration of Freeda

This was my very first app building experience. I keep this in my book as a testament to the growth I’ve had at Brandcenter, as well as the fact that I believe it is very much so a relevant idea. 

journey maps
You made it to the end!

View the final version of Freeda here

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